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Ways to Begin Your Stamp Collection at a Low Cost

Stamp collecting does not have to be a costly pastime. Even if you have limited financial resources, you can enjoy stamp collecting. Here are ten inexpensive ways to begin collecting stamps.

1. Request that your friends use commemorative stamps on their mail to you. Commemorative stamps are larger than regular stamps and are issued to commemorate famous people, places, or events. Collectors are much more interested in commemorative stamps because they are usually issued in smaller quantities than common smaller stamps. Inform your friends about your hobby and ask them to request commemorative stamps from the post office.

2. Use commemorative stamps when sending out offers that require postage or self-addressed, stamped envelopes. When the envelopes are returned to you, you will receive them.

3. Request that your neighbors, friends, and family members save their used stamps for you. When you tell them you're a stamp collector, most people will gladly save their stamps for you.

4. Ask someone you know who receives letters from other countries to save the stamps. Always keep an eye out for potential stamp contacts, and don't be afraid to ask them to go through their mail for you before they throw out all the envelopes.

5. Request that friends and family save their office mail envelopes for you. Many businesses receive a large amount of foreign mail and regularly discard stamps of interest and value to collectors.

6. Inquire if your parents have any old letters with stamps on the envelopes. Do not remove the stamp from the envelope. This will result in thin spots or tears, both of which will detract from the appearance of the stamp and reduce its value to collectors. Always tear off the envelope corner so that there is paper all around the stamp, and check that all of the perforations are intact.

7. If you know other stamp collectors, see if they have duplicates they'd be willing to give or sell you. Many collectors have thousands of duplicates and are often willing to help new philatelists get started by giving them stamps or selling them stamp packets at much lower prices than can be purchased in stores or by mail.

8. Look for stamp companies that advertise free stamps. Free stamps are frequently offered in conjunction with "approvals," a collection of other stamps that you must either buy or return. This is a convenient way to purchase stamps. However, if you return the approval stamps, you must usually pay the return postage.

9. Look into local stamp clubs. Stamps may be given away as prizes by clubs, or they may be available for purchase at a low cost. Some stamp clubs support junior clubs at the community center, YMCA, or schools.

10. If there isn't already a stamp club in your area, consider starting one. It only takes four or five other stamp collectors who want to learn about and trade stamps and ideas to get together.

Even novice collectors can have a good time with free stamps and a few inexpensive accessories, such as a small album and a package of stamp hinges.

So, what are you holding out for? Begin collecting stamps right away!
