Photography techniques include making use of all available space, using forms to study, not including motion in shots, learning to use color contrasts, and getting close to your subject. These techniques are essential for taking a good photo and don't require the most expensive camera or experience. Close the distance gap by getting up close and personal, compensate for shutter lag by anticipating what your subject will do, pan with the object, take more than one photo, and use a camera that can take continuous shots. Read the manual and follow the instructions carefully to get great nighttime photos.
Taking a good photo isn't as difficult as you might think. You don't need the most expensive camera or years of experience; simply follow these ten simple guidelines.
Tip 1: Make Use of All Available Space
Don't be afraid to fill the entire frame with your photo. If you want to photograph something, it's fine if it takes up the entire frame with no or very little background showing. Keep distractions out of your shot
Tip #2: Use Forms to Study
This is an important aspect of photography. Recognizing forms in your photographs. Don't just look at an object; study its shape and form to determine the best angle from which to photograph it. Form is all around us and I highly suggest you read as many books on it as possible.
Tip 3 - Motion In Your Photos
When photographing a still object, never include motion in your shots. If there is something moving while you are photographing a stationary object, your photo will not be as good. In addition, never place a horizon line in the center of your frame.
Tip 4 - Learn to Use Color Contrasts.
Some of the best photos use white, gray, and black tones. You can take great shots with only one color on your subject, but it is the contrasts between colors in a shot that distinguishes you as a great photographer.
Tip 5 - Get Closer To Your Subject
One of the most common mistakes that photographers make is not getting close enough to their subject. Close the distance gap by getting up close and personal. A good shot can always be reshaped and resized, but you can't keep blowing up a distant object.
6th Tip - Shutter Lag
Due to shutter lags, shooting action shots with digital cameras can be difficult. This means that when you press the shutter button to take a photo, it can take up to a second for the shutter to fire, and by that time, whatever you were photographing will have moved or changed in some way. This means you must compensate for shutter lag by anticipating what your subject will do and taking the photo just before it performs the desired action. This is not an issue with more expensive digital cameras.
7th Tip - Pan
When taking an action shot with a slow shutter speed, pan with the object. Follow through on the subject from beginning to end, and one of those shots will be a winner. Taking more than one photo increases your chances of getting a good shot.
8th Tip - Continuous Shots
To pan as I mentioned above, you'll need a camera that can take continuous shots and doesn't need to stop and process after each shot.
Tip 9 - How to Get Great Nighttime Photos
Nighttime photography can be spectacular, almost magical... if done correctly! If not they can look horrible. Really, really bad. Without adequate lighting, even good cameras can produce mediocre results if the photographer is inexperienced.
Tip 10: Read Your Manual
If your digital camera has a special night mode, read the manual and follow the instructions carefully.
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