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7 Ways to Grow Flowers

The yard's crown jewels are flowering landscape trees, which have a long blooming period (mid-summer to fall). These trees have blooming clusters in pink, white, red, and lavender, and are often treated as perennials. This article discusses ten flowering landscape trees and shrubs that add color to our spring landscapes, including crape myrtles, Magnolias in Saucers, Sharon's Rose, Hawthorn, Redbud, callery pear, and crabapple. It also provides information on Washington hawthorn trees, which are most valuable for the time of year they bloom.

The yard's crown jewels are flowering landscape trees. Perhaps no other plants have as much of an impact on how a yard looks in the spring. Browse the articles I've linked to below for more information on specific varieties of flowering landscape trees. There are pictures included.

Crape Myrtles: Southern Landscape Trees

Crape myrtles, a popular choice in flowering landscape trees for Southerners, have a long blooming period (mid-summer to fall). These flowering landscape trees have blooming clusters in pink, white, red, and lavender. Clusters form on the tips of new wood. Northerners can sometimes get away with treating these flowering landscape trees as perennials that die back in the winter and regrow in the spring.


Not all weeping specimens are flowering landscape trees, but this article examines several weeping varieties that do bloom, led by four types of cherry.

Magnolias in Saucers

The common name for these flowering landscape trees was inspired by the size and shape of the blooms. Do you want a specimen with a brilliant bloom the size of a saucer? Find out more about these stunning creatures by clicking here.

Sharon's Rose

Although some people think of rose of Sharon as a landscape "tree" (because it grows tall and can be pruned to have a single trunk), it is actually a flowering shrub. Its ability to bloom relatively late – and for an extended period of time – makes it a valuable plant for those looking to spread the color display of their yard throughout the growing season.

Top 10 List of Spring Flowering Landscape Trees and Shrubs |

This article discusses ten flowering landscape trees and shrubs that add color to our spring landscapes. Redbud, callery pear, and crabapple are among the trees included.

Hawthorn: Landscape Trees That Bloom Late

This article provides information on Washington hawthorn trees, which are most valuable for the time of year they bloom (late spring to early summer). Many of the popular flowering plants bloom earlier in the spring, and while their blossoms are pleasing sights for eyes tired of winter's barrenness, they leave us far too soon! 
